Not For Profit Sector

A non-profit organization is a group organized for purposes other than generating profit and in which no part of the organizations income is distributed to its members, directors, or officers. These organizations are engaged in charitable activities and provide service to the community thereby filling an essential gap not fulfilled either by commercial enterprises or the government.

Over the years we have gained significant experience in serving the Not-for-Profit sector. Services offered include:

  • Conceptualizing and planning for setting up such entities whether as trusts, societies or companies;
  • Assistance in obtaining registrations and approvals from statutory authorities such as the Registrar of Trusts, Registrar of Societies, Registrar of Companies, Income Tax Department and Ministry of Home Affairs with respect to foreign contributions;
  • Statutory audit;
  • Internal audit;
  • Monitoring and review of grants and disbursals;
  • Assistance in regulatory compliances with respect to taxation and foreign contribution regulations;
  • Accounting and payroll services.

A sample list of clients with a brief description about their activities is set out below:

  • Global Development Network (GDN) - an International Organization that supports research in economics and social sciences in developing countries and connects researchers and development research institutes globally.
  • Rotary International South Asia Office (RISAO) - a non profit organisation incorporated under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, with an object to promote, encourage, aid, assist and contribute to community development, social welfare, charitable and educational programs and projects for advancement of international understanding, goodwill, peace and social welfare.
  • Pan Himalayan Grassroots Development Foundation - Established as a non - profit voluntary organisation, Grassroots' main aim is to initiate action for restoration of ecological security in languishing river basins, through mountain development programs, in order to improve the quality of life.
  • National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) - a Public Private Partnership (PPP) with the objective of transforming unskilled and semi skilled labour force into productive and skilled labour and to establish, manage, run and support institutes and polytechnics for achieving this objective.
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